there was a period in my life when my father and i was close. that was before my college years, grade 4 until i graduated from high school. when i went to college, we grew apart, but of course i did not realize it then, i was busy looking for my 'identity' that time.
during that period we never had the talk we used to have when i was in elementary or in high school, i never read another english article for him (my father used to ask me to read an article from 'tempo' to check my enunciation and if my vocabulary is improving), i never had meriendas with him anymore, for most of my time are spent with my barkadas. i never played with th dogs every afternoon while he waters the plants, i never drink coffee with him anymore and the thing that i really missed was when we used to watch late afternoon cartoons with my sister and my cousin.
before the cartoon marathon stars he would go out for a while and when he comes back he has banna cue and coke 500 to complete our afternoon habit.
i remember when i don't want to go back to my very first job and i told him and my mother that i would not be going to work anymore and that i would be AWOL-ling (is there such a term), i thought he's going to be mad about it but i was surprised when he said 'kung ayaw mo na maghanap ka na ng iba, madami pang iba dyan'. i was surprised and so i asked him why so understanding, he said he had suffered thesame thing when he was younger. when he was just a security guard.
what's the point of me telling you these...
my father has a drinking problem, but he is not an sure of it, i refer to it as a drinking problem because when his drunk, he becomes another person, somebody i don't know.
a couple of nights ago, we had a misunderstanding and it really broke my heart, the funny thing is this is not the first time this happened. i was so mad that i answered back in a high tone (and believe me i regret it!). to cut the long story short the whole issue evolve around me having academic accomplishments and him not finishing elementary.
yup, my father did not finish elementary and for a period in time i waas embarrassed to admit it to people (specially when i was in college). but something hit me, that i should be PROUD of my parents, they never finished elementary because of poverty but they have given me a good life.
they don't have a degree but they made me understood the importance of it, and even if my father cannot construct a single correct english, it did not stop him from giving me and my sister college educations.
once in a while my father feels unworthy of himself because he does not have a diploma and he is only a security guard all his life. it drives me nuts.
why do you have to think of the diploma you did not have, when you have three on your wall (mine which is 2, undergrad and MA and my sisters).
my father just don't know that he is a blessing to us.
don't worry i will talk to him one afternoon while he's watching 'the wild thornberrys'. i just pray that this time he will be listening.
that makes it even special.
thank you very much those who read my blog.
...for making me a part of your life.
...thank you on your comments.
...thank you on your reactions (from the blog up to my friendster ad e-mail account)
...and most of all thank you for making my writings worthy of your attention.
i am not a very good writer but i hold on to what i have once read-
trivia: did you know that most people who read my blog are people who are not that close to me or those whom i don't know.
another trivia: did you know that most people who comments on my blog are people who are not that close to me or those whom i don't know.
'A word is a bud attempting to become a twig. How can one not dream while writing? It is the pen which dreams. The blank page gives the right to dream.
For example, if you’re just an acquaintance, like an ordinary office mate you get a card or any generic gift (like figurines, photo albums) or as I call it ‘regalong hindi pinag iisipan’. If you’re a barkada, you get a semi-special gift, like shirts or as I call it ‘medyo personal, kasi medyo kilala’ but if you’re somebody special you get something that is big time or as I call it ‘expensive’. Now here is the question. What is the best gift that you received? For most people they would say ‘can’t answer you right now because a lot of my friends didn’t present their gifts yet’. If I were to tell you that you already have the best gift, would you believe me? Of course not. Because culturally when we say the best gift it has to be attributed to the giver, which in our case is should be the closest person to us because of some logical reasons like- you know the person, you have been together for quite some time, you have been with that person through thick and thin,etc.and I have to agree because if that is the idea then I would still point out that the greatest gift has already been given to us two thousand years ago.And that is our salvation.
Jesus Christ laid His life down for us so that we can enjoy this season. He had demonstrated the ultimate manifestation of love. His life.
When we open our gifts its good that we appreciate it, but it is even better not to forget that the greatest gift is already in our hands. Most people nedd a physical reminder, but we must understand not because there is no physical representation of the gift it means its worthless, remember what antoinne st. exupery said ‘what is essential is invisible to the naked eyes’
Merry Christmas. People tend to categorize themselves in accordance to the gifts that they receive.
Yep,it all relates to Christmas. For most people, Christmas is far more stressful than any other occasion/season.
Now here is my argument. If Christmas is felt during the month of December and there are 31days in this month, note that from December 1 to 22 you are busy planning and buying gifts for people (either out of love, like gifts for friends, family, etc. or out of obligation, gifts for your boss, your office mate, etc.) or your too busy concerning yourself with the Noche Buena theme (what to cook, the menu, what kind of salad, pasta, etc.). It means that you only get to enjoy the season when its already December 24 up to say 29 because on the 30th, you need to take care of the New Year celebration.
Now that is a very sad thing. A lot of people today do not know what Christmas Season is all about. Though some would argue that it is the season for giving, i would have to decline politely, it is a part but it is not the truest essence, maybe it is agood manifestation but still the real reason for this season is somewhat, vague.
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth, Long lay the world in sin and error pining, Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth, The thrill of hope the weary world rejoices, For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Now the next question that needs to be asked is that why do this season seemed to be really joyful?
Most people in our generation would say it’s because of the atmosphere, the gifts, the mall sales, 13th month pay, etc. But the fact is that most people who feel happy this season does not really know what to be happy about, that is the reason they feel sad or worst depressed after the season ends.
The first phrase "On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me…" the "true love" mentioned in the song refers to God Himself. The "me" who receives the presents refers to every person who accepted God in their lives. 1st Day:
2nd Day:
3rd Day:
4th Day:
5th Day:
6th Day:
7th Day:
8th Day:
9th Day:
10th Day:
11th Day:
12th Day:
So why right it that way? worst why do you have to sing it? During the period 1558 to 1829 in England, people were prohibited by the law to practice their faith either in public or private.
Since the song sounded like rhyming nonsense, young people could sing the song without fear of imprisonment. The authorities would not know that it was a religious song. "The 12 Days of Christmas" is in a sense an allegory. Each of the items in the song represents something significant to teachings of faith. The hidden meaning of each gift was designed to help children learn their faith. The better acquainted one is with the Bible, the more these interpretations have significance. The song 12 days of Christmas is popular, in fact a lot of people sing this (specially during some Noon Time Christmas Presentations) but the fact is, not so many really knows what it means so I came with some writings courtesy of the Salvation Army (Philippine Territory).
The partridge (flesh of either quail or grouse ) in a pear tree is Christ Jesus upon the Cross. In the song, Christ is symbolically represented as a mother partridge because she would feign injury to decoy a predator away from her nestlings. She is even willing to die for them. The tree is the symbol of the fall of the human race through the sin of Adam and Eve. It also the symbolizes its redemption by Jesus Christ on the tree of the Cross.
The "two turtle doves" refers to the Old and New Testaments.
The "three French hens" stand for faith, hope and love—the three gifts of the Spirit that abide
The "four calling birds" refers to the four evangelists who wrote the Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke and John—which sings the song of salvation through Jesus Christ.
The "five golden rings" represents the first five books of the Bible, also called the Jewish Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
The "six geese a-laying" is the six days of creation.
The "seven swans a-swimming" refers to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord.
The "eight maids a milking " reminded children of the eight beatitudes listed in the Sermon on the Mount.
The "nine ladies dancing" were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit found in Galatians 5:22-23: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
The "ten lords a-leaping" represents the Ten Commandments
The "eleven pipers piping" refers to the eleven faithful apostles.
The ‘twelve drummers drumming" were the twelve points of belief expressed in the Apostles’ Creed: belief in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary, made man, crucified, died and arose on the third day, that he sits at the right hand of the father and will come again, the resurrection of the dead and life everlasting.
"The Twelve Days of Christmas" was written in England as one of the "catechism songs" to help young people learn the basics of their faith. In short, it was a coded-message, a memory aid.
3. Certified organic milk. Comes from cows (my favorite animal, second to dogs) that are fed organically grown crops.
5. Filtered milk. Has the same nutrition content as regular milk. An additional filtration process takes place prior to pasteurization, which increases the shelf life
6. Fortified milk. Tastes creamier, which comes from adding milk components such as calcium, phosphorous, carbohydrate and protein to lower-fat milks.
7. Goats' milk. Is for the most part nutritionally comparable to cows' milk. However goats' milk may or may not contain added vitamin D, so check the label. Goats' milk is no better tolerated by those with lactose intolerance or milk allergies than cows' milk.
8. Lactose-reduced milk. Contains the same nutrients as regular milk. The difference is the milk sugar, called lactose, has been broken down so that it is easily tolerated by those people with lactose intolerance. It comes in 2% and skim varieties.
9. Powdered milk. Is made from partly evaporated milk which is heated and dried instantly. Once the package is opened it should be used within two months.
10. Sweetened condensed milk. Is made by condensing milk to one-third of its original volume and then adding sugar.
phosphorus, may protect against dental caries. There is no scientific evidence that intake of
recommended servings of dairy foods such as milk contributes to overweight. Weight loss is
achieved by reducing total caloric intake and/or increasing physical activity.
what/who is helga?
one funny thing that i remembered back then is the issue on 'ligaw', once there was a friend of mine who labels her self as somebody 'mega conservative' so conservative that she let's a guy court her for 4 years (all through out our college years) and that includes the common dating rituals (eg. hatid sa bahay, sundo sa bahay, libreng lunch, snack, minsan pati barkada niya, flowers, chocolates and of course tons and tons of 'papuri' form the guy like ang ganda mo, bagay sa iyo earrings mo and the likes). finally i had the perfect oppurtunity to ask her why that long? why four years? and then she answered with out blinking 'because we want to get to know each other'.
yeah right! like that's gonna happen! hah! get to know each other better, come on! that is the most hillarious statement i have heard that year. let's try to disect this matter so that we can understand it better.
point number one.
'ligaw' literally means ligaw, mislead. every guy you know will mislead you on this stage because he would only put his best foot forward so that you would give your 'matamis na oo'. it's like allowing him to lure you. hah! talik about submission.
flowers. flowers. more flowers! i asked a couple of people what does flowers mean? what does it signify? they said it represents sweetness, love and the best part is the color and the type of flower has meanings too. if you try to disect this you would ask your self, is there a book that contains all of this? like da vinci code or something? now here is my wrath, flowers are the reproductive organs of all plants. if that is the case men are giving the women they claim to love or like 'vaginas' of plants. iw.
chocolates! who doesn't want it? but the thing is chocolates has endorphines or happy hormones that takes effect when you eat it. *thesame reason why when your sad people would advice you to eat choco ice cream so that you will feel good) so, while eating you will be thinking of the guy who gave it to you, thus, you will feel good about the guy. shucks!
now, you question me on what to ask for a guy? nothing. women are intelligent. we don't have to be lured into relationships. don't even begin to think that i am cheap (and so what if i am?), it is just that i truly believe that if the guy was delivered by christ into your life, no amount of luring, no type/kind or color of flower, no brand of chocolate is needed to prove to a woman that you will do her good, that she will grow in all aspects of her life and that you will walk hand and hand in spreading God's words. why settle for somebody who is presently there when you can have somebody who has the 'best quality'. and don't even begin to tell me that is impossible, it is not, with god nothing is impossible.
1.People want to be different. In the end I therefore sum up that we are all the same because we want to be different.
2.People spend money for the privilege of wearing other people’s name in their bodies. Commercialism in the post-modern context (mabuhay ang ukay!).
3.Individuals give opinion that are actually just statements designed to seek approval from other people. Then I strongly believe that we should stop labeling them as opinions.
4.When you are self-sufficient people think that you feel superior than others, then they will hate you.
5.Most people look at astrology as the great escape. It will never be your fault, it’s in the stars.
6.Wisdom that come from age is actually prudence (prudence means wisdom in the way of caution and provision; discretion; carefulness; hence, also, economy; frugality).
7.For women choose – Marilyn Monroe or Marie Curie? I have to tell you survey says hands down, Marilyn Monroe.
8.People use the word ‘fall’ in association with the word ‘love’. Fall means dropping from a height, landing with a thud, acquiring swelling and bruises. Hmmm, scary if you would use the phrase ‘falling in love’, you might end up disfigured or dead.
9.People use the term ‘madly in love’, I strongly believe that it is better to be ‘sanely in love’.
10.If a person ‘wanted’ to fall in love, love may flare up instantly but if it is not meant to be it will die a slow, painful, excruciating death. Don’t tell me I did not warn you.
11. *Please do not use the term ‘madly in love’ because it is a self confessed insanity.
12.You can not make some one love you. You can not be sexy enough or white enough or cute enough. What will you do? You wait for the the guy meant for you. Wait. Wait. Wait.
1.expect that it would take time for the guy to arrive. Why? Because if he would be special he has to be prepared, and I mean prepared, in all areas physical, emotional and spiritual. Preparation takes time (according to the dictionary prepared means Made fit or suitable). Preparation is synonymous with foundation, groundwork, grounding and training. What is the common denominator of these words? TIME.
2.expect that the guy would not be signed, sealed and delivered in your doorsteps if you fall in any of the following status-
b.if you are a draper (meaning you value his point of view over yours, to the point that you end up being ‘his dummy’)
c.if you don’t have you’re identity yet
d.if you haven’t fulfilled your purpose yet (this means you have to know your purpose!)
e.if God did not gave you his GO signal (believe me if you are in synchronicity with God you would know!)
3.expect that the guy would come in a perfect timing. Why you ask, because God wants you to appreciate him fully.
4.expect that the guy is everything that you would ask for. God will not give you somebody that you wouldn’t love. He is your creator he knows what you want.
5.expect that the guy would respect you and value your opinion as an individual . How could he respect and value your individual opinion if you don’t have any? This means that you need to be an individual first!
6.expect that the guy would be somebody whom your parents would approve. Because he would value not only you but as well as the people whom you love.
7.expect that the guy would complement your attitude, point of view and goals. If he is God sent the room for adjustment would be not that hard, because the timing is perfect. Are you not tired of adjusting on the mood of the guy and practically disowning your disposition?
8.expect that the guy to contribute on your growth. In all areas.
Waiting is hard. But let me post you this question, between waiting and being a volunteer of failed relationships, which is harder?
I do not impose these things because I am afraid of being hurt, it is just that I have so much faith in God that I would entrust him my future. Faith is believing even if you don’t see it. Faith is not faith until it is the only thing you are holding on to.
Do not be mislead by falling inlove with romance. Romance was defined as a dreamy, imaginative habit of mind; a disposition to ignore what is real, now tell me do you want to be associated with that kind of term? A lot of women today do not even experience love and yet would go on as far as having a relationship...why? they just like the facade. they just enjoy the superficial feeling of being 'special'. What happens if reality checks in?
False humility means not genuine or real; assumed or designed to deceive; hypocritical act of submission or courtesy.That you are not comfortable when people give you compliments. And in my case, it is a big deal because (not to be proud) I do receive a lot of compliments and the common comments is that- even if I say ‘thank you’, it seemed so half-hearted, insincere and impersonal.
And my cell leader noticed it, she told me about it and I have to admit that truly I am not comfortable receiving compliments, that it would be better if i would not receive any. Then we both agreed that we will search its origin. Where it is coming from.
Fast forward to last Thursday.
I had coffee with two of my most beloved prod (production) friends and on the spot my work on our last production was assessed. Our director told me that I could have had the complete package (attitude wise, skill wise and interpersonal wise) except for one thing…I have fear in my heart.
Of course I found it absurd. Me? Fear? What? It is not designed in that manner.
So I asked him to explain. He said that I am not bold enough. That even if I have the skill I am in constant terror, I couldn’t even bring myself to lift my own status much more to say ‘thank you’ if people would lift me.
Paralyzed was the correct term applied to my state that very moment.
And its true, the reason why I am not comfortable with compliments is that I am afraid, scared, petrified.
'Of what?' you may ask. Of the possibility that I might become proud or boastful. And If I become proud/conceited, God would have to humble me and that is where my fear is rooting.
The fear that God might do something dreadful to correct me if I become arrogant.
I thought it was quite good to fear God, but my fear in him made my growth inert, which is wrong. I cannot hide from god’s correction and even if I did, I would be the one on the loosing end because I will not grow and the worst part is that I will never feel how God help individuals grow. As I have read in the bible ‘endure hardship and discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are an illegitimate children and not true sons (Hebrews 12:7-8).
Would I deprive myself of Gods ability to demonstrate his perfect will.
We look at problems as a thing that holds us back.
As an event that makes us weak.
As something that would manifest how bad we can be.
I disagree.
Recently, I have been bombarded with tons and tons of problems, and if there is something that I have realized in dealing with those trials is that-
1.problems makes you strong. True. You have heard this before, but what I want to emphasize on is the idea that ‘strength is NOT measured by how you stood up or how you voice out your beliefs’. From what I understood ‘strength is best demonstrated through obedience’. Obeying is a very rare character for an individual, it is very natural for a person to be rebellious specially if things would not go his way, but being obedient is a VIRTUE.How hard is it to just stand there follow god’s will while you are being bombarded with problems, problems that you feel you do not deserve? How hard is it to just be still when you know that you have every opportunity to manipulate things in your favor? And worst how hard is it to follow orders from the ‘boss’, orders that you think will not work for you? Those scenario makes you strong.
2.problems makes you happy. I am not insane. It is true. Try to grasp this. If God gives you problems, this mean that he cares for you because he is testing you in every way he can. He gives you challenges to improve your being. your attitude. your wholeness. In fact, don’t you find it liberating every time there are problems that will be solved in His name. Doesn't that make you appreciate the state when you DON'T have a problem? Does that not make you happy?
3.problems are ways to allow God to move in our lives. The biggest solution that one can provide in solving his problem is surrender. How hard is it for an individual to say ‘Lord, go ahead…your will be done’…pretty hard huh? But we must realize that God wants us to stop and enjoy life, sometimes we are so caught up with what we want that we forget what life is all about and worst we forget Him. So he needs to shake us every now and then so that we’d be reminded.
4.problems are one of the best way to test our faith. of course, the best avenue to test our faith in God is through problems, sometimes I admire the faith demonstrated by people, if only they know where to place it, our faith should not be placed on people, events or things. Worst your faith should NOT be ‘faith in faith’ it should be ‘faith in God’. I encounter people that would say ‘hindi kaya
natin ito’…it would be better if it would be ‘hindi kaya natin ito…if it is god’s will’
5.problems brings wisdom. everybody desires to be wisdom-full (just like Yoda). to have The ability to comprehend and analyze complex problems. but remember that God gave you wisdom out of training, through the problems you have encountered so that you would be a blessing to other people. Do not deprive them of that, make use of God’s gift. Palagay nyo paanong naging matalino si yoda? through reading? come on! you have seen Yoda fight!
The bottom line is let us enjoy the problems we have. I know that would be hard but keep this in mind, you will get something beneficial from it.
Let me leave you with this scripture-
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you
I hate debate.Again, one more time, I hate debate.
I hate the fact that I have to prove myself to anybody.
The part I hate most is the feeling that God has to prove himself to other people.
Many people test God through trivial facts. Truth, I have encountered a couple of people who keeps on rebutting the bible and when I asked them if they have read it, they would say in the most dumb-dumb way ‘’…what the? what was that about?
How could you question a thing you don’t know anything about? What right do you have? Its like watching a film and deconstructing it without watching it? where is it coming from? on thin air?
Don’t you have the decency to be somebody credible before you refute something?
This is not even the worst part. The worst part is, that if you answered all their question they would ask ‘how can you believe that there is a God, you don’t have a proof?(please take note of the sentence cionstruction, as if God is just a thing...)’
That is it!…the minute I heard that I snapped. What proof do you need? Look around you.
Look at you. What more do you need.
If it is solid proof that you need, think about these-
Just like what people say I often times think that I am above them, and I have to agree, not because I am proud or boasting, but God had granted me the opportunity to see things in a different perspective. And truly I love it.
It is very liberating to live for him.
It is very liberating to live minus the worlds standard.
It is very liberating to live with a new heart.
It is very liberating to live in HIS ways.
And It is very liberating to live thinking that you have a purpose.
And no matter what people say I don’t care.
I dream…
that i would be a part of a mission to a foreign land
that i would have a my own book
that i would win a Nobel Peace Prize
to have a Phd
to study abroad
to be a regular employee
to be a wife and a mother
to touch and change lives
I like…
my students to remember me when they turn old and grey
to find time to watch a movie, drink coffee and walk home
to own a house in Baguio
That is a battle that I face everyday.
Fact of the matter is that I feel weak every now and then, specially if pseudo-realizations would visit me, before I don’t know what to do.
I can’t even verbalize how important prayer is for me but I do know that I cannot last a day without it, that sometimes I ache if I don’t.
One thing that I have learned when I became a believer is that prayer can be the perfect state where one can be ‘natural’ and ‘real’.
For people they would exclaim that I am superficial, phony and insincere. And it’s OK, God sees through
Then came the assignment, as our class progresses I have noticed that, yes they have a culture that I cannot relate to, but what I have noticed is that they are famished in terms of learning. They ask a lot of challenging question and they don't have the pride of looking at the matters as if they paid for it (the class i mean).
The last lesson that I have conducted for this year proves to be remarkable, we talked about Muted Group Theory, a conjecture proposed by Cheris Kramarae, its entirety evolves on the role of women in the society and how misconceptions borrows reality.
A lot of them rebutted me on the concept of courting. Allow me to elaborate on what we have talked about-
1.According to my students it is a must for every woman to ‘test’ their suitors.
My answer: Why? What For? What will you gain? My students answered ‘so that he would be given a chance to prove his worth and his love for you’. Now this is scary. Why do men look at women as conquests? Should we feel bad that most men treat women as prizes or trophies? Truth, NO. We women pre-condition men, that if they prove their ‘worth’ or ‘love’ we will become the prize. We are not prizes!...put that inside your head. We are individuals with intellect, emotions and worth!...That is the reason why we feel neglected after we agree to become their gf's because they start to treat us like 'average' being. Or worst they treat us like a prizes, for display, no feelings, no intellect.
2.According to my students it is a must for every woman to be ‘pretty and presentable’ for the man.
My answer: When was the last time you put on something special because of the sole purpose that you want to please yourself…can’t remember huh? Yup, because you only get into something special if you know that you would see the guy you like and if he does not pay attention then you get sad, worst you feel rejected (when there is no act of rejection at all). This is even scarier than the first, your mood depends on the guy’s reaction, worst your self-esteem relies highly on the reaction of the guy towards what you wear or the color of lipstick or how tight your clothes are. I can’t even write this without shaking my head.
3.According to my students it is a must that a guy should carry their baggages (as in their bags, books etc.).
My Answer: Why? Don’t you have arms?
4.According to my students it is a must that a guy should pick them up and deliver them to their houses.
My Answer: Talk about the same scenario like a pizza delivery. And besides you have been going home to the same place for eighteen years, suddenly you need a guy to show you the way…hmmm…why not use a map, a compass or even begin to wear your clothes on the inside out just to be sure you won’t get lost.
5.According to my students it is a must that a guy tell them sweet nothings.
My Answer: Which is scarier ‘sweet’ or ‘nothing’? it means nothing and yet you want it to be sweet? Am I lost in translation here?
The fact that we women want to be treated equally and yet we cannot even let go of petty traditions that we can truly live with out.
If we want to be treated equally as we claim and shout from the beginning of time we must be willing to fulfill our share of the bargain…we cannot claim equality in terms of conception if we hold on to the dogmatic beliefs.
Like what CS Lewis said ‘to be completely close , is to be completely wrong’. If we want it? We must not settle for a placebo.
So what happened to my students?
We had an hour overtime and a make up class because there are a lot of questions that needs to be addressed.